Debt update!

Payday was Friday! These days I’m only excited for payday to pay off more debt!!!! Huge change from the past!

This week $1200 was sent to debt! $500 in minimum payments and $700 extra to my last credit card. That brings the grand total down to $978! Hopefully only one more payment and I will be credit card debt free!!!

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HSA eligible items you may be surprised to see!

The HSA is a powerful tool for investing! After my HSA funds go to the bank my employer uses (they will not allow me to deposit it directly into investment account) I transfer it to my fidelity HSA where i’m invested in their total stock market fund! I know most people use it for eligible expenses that year as needed, however if you can afford to invest in your HSA and pay out of pocket for medical expenses this can be an amazing tool! It is pre-tax, grows tax free and is tax free upon withdraw as long as it is for eligible medical expenses. Disclaimer- you must have a high deductible health plan to be eligible.

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Won’t you get bored if you retire early?

My simple answer to this is…hell no!!!!

This is one of the questions naysayers have regarding the FIRE movement. My husband included. When I announced to him that I would be retiring within 6-10 years he looked at me like I was nuts and said “Don’t you even want to work until you’re 40?” He looked at me like I was crazy and when he said that my brain about exploded. How could anyone think this? How does he think I’m the crazy one when he just said something so nuts? I soon found this is a pretty common question FIRErs get!

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